[[http://sto.gamepedia.com/Tactical_Star_Cruiser_(T6)|Tactical_Star_Cruiser_(T6)]] with Engineer Captain ====== Sto Academy build/skills ====== [[http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/0212e7144899dd929becb7e06eb220e1]] ==== Discussion ==== [[skillsdiscussion|Skill Discussion]] what is each skill worth in battle? ====== Role/playstyle ====== Take aggro and tank for entire team This is particularly useful on elite maps Includes good heals for team members ====== Tactics====== * Healing team members or self will generate extra defense bonus when using battle ready Trait. * Healing will also generate some threat * Reciprocity trait will allow use of single fire-at-will and attack-pattern-beta skills when you have aggro of many npcs ====== Attack ====== Fire-at-will beam boat with long range targeting for 80% firepower at 10KM. Buffs: * 20% Improved (2x) [[http://sto.gamepedia.com/Starship_Mastery/Starship_Traits/Pedal_to_the_Metal|Pedal to the Metal]] * 16.6% and +25 weapon power to help overcap weapon drain [[http://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Emergency_Power_to_Weapons|Emergency_Power_to_Weapons III]] * 4.3% Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense * 1.5% Tactical team * 1.6% Amp from warp core power levels above 75 ====== Defense ====== * 77%-92% defense bonus at ahead full * ~50% all damage resists * 30% shield hardness from [[http://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Emergency_Power_to_Shields|Emergency_Power_to_Shields III]] * 40% shield hardness from power settings/skill * ~25% shield hardness from chaining transfer shield strength and rotate shield frequency * With very high shield hardness and shield power levels, a high regeneration shield becomes more useful than high cap shields especially against shield drains ====== Power levels used (weapon, shield, engine, auxiliary)====== **General purpose dps** * set(100,15,15,70) result(125,107,42,98) command weapon-system-efficiency **Defensive keep enemies on rear shield** * set(70,50,15,65) result(125,125,42,94) command Shield-Frequency-Modulation **Pursuit/manuver front weapons only** * set(70,15,100,15) result(125,101,114,55) command Strategic-Maneuvering **Defensive retreat** * set(15,50,70,65) result(88,125,85,94) command Shield-Frequency-Modulation ====== Vulnerabilities ====== Holds and sub nuke will drop defense and loose emergency power to shields. Have shield batteries ready and buff hull.