Table of Contents

Power Levels are very important to having a fun and powerful build. It needs its own page so we can share our notes

Weapon Power

Initial firing

The weapon damage rating you see when you buy a weapon is set from 50 weapon power. 125 power allows the maximum hit obtainable from a weapon not including critical hits.


Dual Heavy Cannons appear to be the most efficient multi-firing even though they drain -12 power
  however they fire less per round so weapons proc chance will be effected

This makes emergency power to weapons very popular

Also, this makes it ok to run less ranks in sharship weapon performance instead of 9 
   (only 2 power difference between rank 6 and 9)
Use these before Fire at will for greater affect

Shield Power

This is your main defense from weapon fire

Consider a W->S warp core to help with this

Engine Power

Auxiliary Power

High levels roughly double your heals from auxiliary power to structural integrity field, hazard emitters,
transfer shield strength, gravity well damage
  activate aux batteries just before using sci powers

Weapon Presets

The 4 power presets can be improved upon

Click window style 3 for power level UI. This gives the option to change power with sliders and to 
save the changes for each of the four presets

Example 1

U.S.S. Black Pearl Tactical oddy beam boat setting

Powers in parenthesis are after bonus, skills, emergency powers, warp core, etc.

100 15 15 70    (125 110 53 92)     34 reserve weapon power      Cruiser Command Weapon system Efficiency
60 55 15 70     (125 129 53 92)     2 reserve weapon power       Cruiser Command Shield Frequency Modulation
70 15 100 15    (125 100 125 57)    10 reserve weapon power      Cruiser Command Strategic Maneuvering
15 60 100 25    (90 130 125 70)     0 reserve weapon power       Cruiser Command Strategic Maneuvering

Example 2

Powers in parenthesis are after bonus, skills, emergency powers, warp core, etc.

95 15 15 75    (125 45 51 75)     ? reserve weapon power      
95 15 75 15    (125 45 97 65)     ? reserve weapon power      
15 55 75 55     (61 75 97 87)                                  


Weapon Power (forum post)